TRNG Management


The ramn_trng module controls the TRNG (True Random Number Generator) peripheral. It automatically generates random number and fills them to a stream buffer, which can be emptied through the “Pop” functions.

//Callback for TRNG Peripheral ISR
void            HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng, uint32_t random32bit);

//Callback for TRNG Errors
void            HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng);

//Initializes the module
void            RAMN_RNG_Init(RNG_HandleTypeDef* handle);

//Get one random uint8_t from the module
uint8_t         RAMN_RNG_Pop8(void);

//Get one random uint16_t from the module
uint16_t        RAMN_RNG_Pop16(void);

//Get one random uint32_t
uint32_t        RAMN_RNG_Pop32(void);